[meta content='0;url=http://www.thebabysucks.com' http-equiv='refresh'/> The Baby Sucks: November 2010


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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

38 weeks

Hi Paul - I'm looking forward to meeting your staff today. Is the following schedule still in effect? I should also let you know I'm over eight months pregnant, so don't be alarmed when we meet (this explains my inquiry over the start date). I debated not mentioning this beforehand because it is normally neither appropriate nor necessary to point out a physical trait prior to an interview. However, I decided that sharing this information could avoid an awkward moment upon meeting. And I'm all for avoiding awkward moments.

Monday, November 29, 2010

36 weeks

The baby is galloping kickity and I might die of heartburn and Jeff is trying not to laugh because the walls are so thin we can hear everything the nurses say and they are saying ridiculous things. I mean, what is this - diet camp? I'd like to see one of those fat-ass donut whores swim half a mile eight months pregnant.